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[top right hand margin:-] 98
Regina v[ersus] Turner /one leg/ Henry Kear - resides near the Salutation
Inn - In Newport - At Eight o'Clock
on Monday Morning the 4th November
instant I went from my house to
George St[reet], also near the Salutation - I
remained there a few
minutes, - hearing that the Chartists
were approaching Newport I went home -
I again left my House and came
up towards the New Church[*] - I met
a great number of persons running -
Some were armed with Pikes Guns
Sticks Swords and other weapons
of a similar nature - One of
the persons I met I considered
to be Mr. John Frost - I was
frightened and very much alarmed
and returned back towards my
House - I was standing near my
door when the man with the
wooden leg passed - and who I
have seen this day - He had a
Gun in one hand and apparently
a Stick in the other hand ^ He had a kind of a flannel Jacket on - & a Jim Crow Hat on - I
saw him go down the Cardiff Road -
he kept his Gun - When the
[Note left hand margin:- 14]
Page 2:
Reg[in]a v[ersus] Turner
one leg
Evidence of Henry
Evidence of Anthony
to be obtained
[ Henry Kear's statement continued left]
Chartists were got thin I went and
took away some of the pikes
from them - I lodged the
Pikes ^ one with the Constable Thomas
Watkins and the others at the
Parrott Inn on the same day
/Monday/ -
(15th Novr 1839)_________ Henry Kear
[centre bottom margin:-] 514
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