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Page 1:
[top right corner] 19
Witnesses on the Part of the Prisoner

[left column] -
[tick] Names
William Hamblyn
a respectable
Draper and
Shop keeper at
Newport living
at the Anchor
House close
to the Westgate
Inn .

[right column] -
_________________will prove
It is understood
that Richard Waters
was asleep on the Sofa
in the Room he speaks of
seeing Frost from
when the mob came
in front of the Westgate
& that he Hamblyn
awoke Waters up
but Waters had time to go to the
window & see the mob come round
It is not improbable
but that this Witness
might prove seeing
Frost himself
Hamblyn it is also
understood will
prove some Expressions
used by Waters

Page 2:
[left column]
_____2 ____
William Man [with tick above]
A Painter and Glazier

of Newport a
Chartist & in
the habit of attending
Chartists Meetings
at the Royal
Oak Newport
was supposed to be there
Sat-y before the Riots
when the disposal of
the magistrates was

[contd right column]
Whether the Royal Oak
does not belong to Frost ?
If Man
going to the Royal
Oak on the Saturday
ask if he knows
James Jones of
Newport Plasterer
who saw him
goin to the Oak
about 1/2 p[ast] 6 in the
Evening. Whether
there were not a dozen
or more in the Room /on/
the right hand going in
Jas[*] Man absconded
mor- ng after the Riots
[* ? recte Wm]

[left column]
Benjamin Goold [with tick above]
____________used to
a Painter keep
a Beer House in the
Friars Fields Newport
the rendevous of all
the Rogues & --- [*]
of Newport a
known Chartist
& bad character
see Hopkins
Police officer

[contd in r. column]
may be questioned
as to Transactions
between himself
& Geach at the last
Newport Election
stated [??]Carne reced
60‚£ and a great
quantity of Beer
Is believed to have been
charged with Felony about
1 1/2 year ago but made
[?] ... with the parties
Supposed to be one of the
Royal Oak Chartists

[with notation to left of final par.]
Qy [?] Gunter

[*  ? V_ _ s Vagabonds]

Page 3:
[left column]


[right column/
in pencil]
As to Partridge's House
Horseford back
Door so that
Frost could
not Escape
except by the
front Door

[left column]

____4 ___[with tick alongside]
John Frost
a Baker at Newport
& Beer House Keeper
a near relative
of the Prisoner's
a known Chartist
Is understood to have
attended the meeting
at the Royal Oak
at Newport belonging
to Frost but occupied
by a man named
Chas Jones who was
appr[hende]d but discharged
as to disposal of magistrates
Lovell attended at

[contd r. column]

Wh[ethe]r he knows Jno
Powell the Lozenger
Man . Whether he
did not abscond
& was apprehended
&Wh-r he did not
say to Powell in
the presence of
James Jones the
Constable that he
Powell was the first
man put in

Page 4:
John Davies

a Mason of Newport
who absconded imm-ely
after the Riots & was
apprehended in

Bristol by the
Police there in
^of his own declaration
as to what he
saw at the
Westgate on the
Morng of the Riots
He was taken
before the Magistrates
at Newport but
discharged for
want of further

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