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Idris Hughes continues to sing the Welsh folk song ‘Neithiwn yr enthym i dŷ fy nhad.’ Mair Davies then sings the penillion ‘Y Sipsi’ to the tune ‘Llwyn Onn’ followed by ‘Calon Lan,’ a hymn sung to the tune ‘Caine y Datgeiniad,’ ‘Y Gelynnen,’ ‘Yr asyn a fu farw,’ ‘Mae ci Mary Ann tŷ'n coed,’ ‘Croesi'r afon a cetyn yn ei geg’ and ‘Pistyll y Llan’. Glenys James then interviews Mair Davies who was born in Hamilton, Ontario. Her parents moved from Flintshire and despite living in North America Welsh was the only language she spoke until beginning school. She was taught by her mother to sing penillion and traditional Welsh songs, of which she has a great interest. Her parents passed on many stories of living in Wales and all the traditions they grew up with. She describes how the Welsh had now been accepted as being part of the multicultural family in Ontario.
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