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Chris Williams is Professor of History and Head of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences at University College Cork, having previously taught at the Universities of Cardiff, Swansea and Glamorgan. With the late Noel Thompson, he edited the volume Robert Owen and his Legacy (University of Wales Press, 2011) to which he contributed an essay on ‘Robert Owen and Wales’. His essay, ‘Robert Owen: Socialist Visionary’, was published in Llafur: The Journal of Welsh People’s History in 2010.
Q&A - Mick Antoniw is the Welsh Labour and Co-operative Party Member of Senedd for Pontypridd. In May 2021, he was re-appointed as Counsel General and additionally, Minister for the Constitution in the Welsh Government. Mick has previously chaired the Senedd's cross-party group on Co-operatives and Mutuals and served as Chair of the Senedd's Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee and the Standards of Conduct Committee. A founder member of the Bevan Foundation and the Wales Anti-Apartheid Movement, Mick is also a member of the GMB, Unison and MU trades unions.
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