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Co-operative education is at the heart of co-operative principles but has been sadly neglected.

In 2014, the Co-op Group seriously reduced education and membership activity & Government’s Co-operatives & Mutuals Commission refers to ’embedding the values, principles and skills related to co-operation throughout the education system’. It is light on detail, with little progress made.

We bring together some organisations and activists to put educational self-help into action. A video of Peter Couchman has been uploaded and provides an excellent overview in understand the history of co-op education.

We capture highlights from 2016, including contribution from Housing, Credit Union, Higher Education, and the Co-op College, with breakout group comments and initial conclusions.

Collaboration is essential and we continue to seek practical ways of keeping education at the core of co-operative activity. Future events focus upon schools, adult, and community education, with partner organisations.

Follow us on twitter @CoopsWales

Check out our website and fb page.
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