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Our ambition was to connect:
1. Co-operative development, Adrian Roper, Cartrefi Cymru Co-operative & Joanne Bartlett, Wales Co-op Centre;
2. Adult Learning Wales, Dafydd Rhys, Euros Lewis, Radio Beca;
3. Community Development: Dave Horton, Development Manager, Action Caerau & Ely, Cardiff, Chris Johnes, Building Communities Trust & Robert Proctor Community Energy Wales.

We evidenced opportunities & challenges. We used techniques: OPERA, World CafeĢ; & OPEN SPACE to bring about collective priorities to be addressed as a potential shared way forward; facilitated by Rory Ridley-Duff, Sheffield Hallam University; Cliff Southcombe, Social Enterprise International.

This conference led to a smaller event on 23rd October 2018 at which a diverse range of participants signed up to the goal of promoting equality of well-being for citizens & communities through a collaborative approach to adult and community learning with five specific areas of action were agreed for investigation and feedback.

Follow us on twitter @CoopsWales

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