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Throughout this spring and summer 2019 Span Arts delivered the second community arts elelement the Ein Cymdogaeth Werin project. The Preseli Poetry Slam | Slam Barddoniaeth y Preseli was a community poetry writing and performance project set in the heart of the Preseli region. Span Arts commissioned exceptional Welsh language poet Karen Owen as the Preseli Poet who was in residence in the county for three periods in May, June and July.

During her residency Karen set about inspiring the people of Pembrokeshire to pick up their pens and write about their lives in the area; their thoughts and feelings about the landscape and the people. The resulting poems are personal, sensitive and thought-provoking reflections on Preseli life from a variety of perspectives.

SEE BLOG : for more info.

PLANED's aim is to engage local people in Pembrokeshire in improving their quality of life -- culturally, socially, environmentally and economically.

PLANED works throughout Pembrokeshire, building on the local community led approach to rural development in which communities, public sector and voluntary partners and special interest groups come together to undertake locally integrated development.

PLANED aims to play a vital role in empowering and enabling local communities to be full and equal partners in the development of their area through the EU and Welsh Government funded Rural Development Plan for Wales.

PLANED is a non-profit-making company and a registered charity.

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