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Summer 2021 for PLANED & Span Arts as they collaborated in delivering the Song of the Golden Road community heritage workshops as part of the Ein Cymdogaeth Werin Preseli project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. These workshops were recorded and transformed into the final output – which was a Radio Ballad. Launched later in the Autumn! The second workshop was held in Crymych, where we focused on agriculture and the ecology of the Preseli region. The group enjoyed a presentation in the Market Hall in the morning, followed by a walk from Crymych to Foel Drygarn. Mary Chadwick, the conservation officer for Pembrokeshire Coast National Park joined us to share how the Preseli area is managed in terms of grazing for biodiversity. Arwel Evans Pensarn, National Park’s Farming Liaison Officer also joined us in spirit – sending us a presentation of the way the hill is managed, including burning and wild fire prevention.

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