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Marged Pendrell is a visual artist living and working bilingually in Snowdonia, North Wales. She works primarily in 3D using mixed media.


Having researched the stories of the voyages of these early Christian saints, I felt as if I could spend most of my time creating imaginary vessels for their many wandering voyages.
I wanted to explore the coracles in a different way to my first ‘Fragile Boats’ in the Flotilla, and approached the making of them with a contrasting material.
As I was working on these vessels, I was also reading The Brendan Voyage by Tim Severin, who crossed the Atlantic to Newfoundland in 1976–7, to prove that such long journeys were possible even in early times. His descriptions of this journey are extremely vivid.
All these vessels are made in my studio in Rhyd, which is below Moelwyn Bach, in the Snowdonia National Park.
Marged Pendrell

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