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Marged Pendrell is a visual artist living and working bilingually in Snowdonia, North Wales. She works primarily in 3D using mixed media.
I felt compelled to add one more vessel to my personal flotilla, reflecting on the current situation at Holyhead: post Brexit, but still within the parameters of the Covid global pandemic.
Using the same ancient iconic vessel form, I made the ‘Grass Ferry’.
An empty vessel, with haulage now directed elsewhere.
This vessel appears as a contradiction and confusion of materials handled in a fairy-tale way, but it raises many questions:-
Is the grass greener on the other side? Will tourism take over from trade?Is this the future of our land, as a park? Is there a more optimistic future, with greener pastures?
The list is endless.
An empty vessel awaiting the future.
– Marged Pendrell
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