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Souvenir programme for the 2002 Durga Puja, Kali Puja and Diwali festival. A4 booklet.
Various articles and reports by the Wales Puja Committee and the wider community that include the festival schedules, artworks, poems, and recipes.
Wales Puja Committee is a charitable organisation based in South Wales whose objective is to promote Indian culture and traditions and to help with integration and social cohesion in the local area.
Timetable and venue, Durga Puja
Timetable and venue, Kali Puja
Timetable and venue, Diwali
A message from the chairman, Dr Sankar Das
Accounts 2001/2002
Message from the secretary, Dr Ranjit Sinha-Ray
Wales Puja Committee [members]
Cardiff, Kolkata, Kalighat and Kumars, Christine Mackay
Whence art thou-Mother?, Dr Bishnu P. Choudhury
Asian Mozart, Dr Ranjit Sinha Ray
India- A journey from north to south, Sayan Das
Creating Durga art of Hindu image making
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