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This is the second filmed interview with former British Army Driver Roger Trenfield. Roger served as a Driver with the RASC and later upon reformation, the RCT. This second interview begins with Roger arriving in Cyprus. It was the second half of the 1950's and the campaign of military resistance by the EOKA group was in full swing. * As with the first filmed interview, editing has been reduced to allow the viewer to experience Roger's character and aide understanding of the British soldier's thoughts and attitudes of the 1950s, 60s and 70s. This means sometimes Roger's recollections and focus does fluctuate. This offers authenticity to this unique film and Roger's memories. The first interview with Roger along with photographs and material can be seen online in the Roger Trenfield collection at the West Wales Veterans Archive. ** Viewer is advised that some conversational terms used in this interview, contain what is now considered bad language *** Roger is expressing his own opinions and thoughts surrounding events over fifty years ago during this interview and these opinions are not always formed from proven fact. No insult to character is intended or intentional.

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