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Both Gavin and Michael grew up in Senghenydd in the 80s and 90s. They were part of the development phase for the Senghenydd Youth Drop In Centre and have been witness to many changes in the area throughout their lives. They both have successful careers but remain in touch with and active in SYDIC and the Aber Valley to date.
Gavin and Mike talk about growing up in the 80’s and 90’s in the Aber Valley. Pre social Media and before mobile phones. They talk about their childhood spent outdoors camping and playing. They discuss the community as it was and how growing up everyone knew everyone in the area, this resulted in feeling safe and parents allowing their children more freedom. They also discuss the creation of the Senghenydd Youth Drop In Centre and what that provided to them then and what it means to them now. They discuss youth services and the importance of it and other services and organisations within the valley.
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