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This article is a heartfelt tribute to Linda Jane Elizabeth Emmanuel, a devoted carer, mother, and grandmother from Kidwelly, who dedicated her life to supporting children with disabilities. The piece reflects on Linda’s incredible work as a Short Break Carer for Carmarthenshire's Short Break Service, where she opened her home to care for children with complex needs, including autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, and other disabilities.
In addition to her professional work, the article highlights personal stories from her family and colleagues, demonstrating Linda's compassion, nurturing spirit, and lasting impact on everyone she encountered. It shares touching memories of her care for children, anecdotes of her patience and skill in understanding those with communication difficulties, and the profound bond she formed with the children and families she supported.
Her work was recognized with the Carmarthenshire Council's “One in a Million” award, a testament to her irreplaceable contribution to the community. The article also reflects on her final months and the love and admiration of her family and those she worked with, honoring Linda’s legacy of kindness and care.
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