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Digital Story from the Bawso Stories Project.
Digital Story from the Bawso Stories Project. Madi’s story, “Mirror in Pakistan”, was inspired by a visit to St. Fagans National Museum of History where a wooden mirror in the collection reminded her of her childhood in Pakistan.
English transcript: I tell about wooden mirror, I saw mirror in the stand, I was very happy. It brought back memories of my childhood in Pakistan. Mom always worried about this mirror that maybe I broke this mirror, but the mirror is still there in my mom home. It was a treat to stay in the room with the mirror. I used to sing and do make up and most of the time I talk with myself in front of the mirror. Sometimes, especially midnight time, I am going to the bedroom, and I stand in front of this mirror and say, hello, how are you? And when I am crying, mirror is crying and when I smile, mirror is smiling. Many times when anyone give suggestions and then I talk my mirror and then mirror is silent, no? But it was very positive vibes. This mirror is most important for me in my life because this mirror is a best friend for me and so when I saw this mirror, it’s like oh, it’s my mirror! And just go back my past life and memories, all memories remind me, I am so happy.
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