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Digital story from the Bawso Stories Project.
Angel's story, "Home to Home", reflects on moving to the UK and feelings of being privileged.
English transcript: Being here in UK and being allowed to work here, it’s very important that people here know that British people, British people are very in embracing. We have different individuality but to British people to embrace different culture and different nationalities coming here and they are being accommodative to the people here, like me that I’m able to study here, to work here, to live here, you know it's one thing that I have a big huge respect with the British people that they are not closing their doors even some of the government is crying but still they are very lenient and they are very open, open arms, you know, welcoming people who wants to live here decently, to look for a better future and that's one thing I'm very grateful and thankful that I'm able to live here even circumstances, they change, but that one thing that I want I want people to understand that British people are blessed to have this country as their own and maybe they don't see that one but me as coming from a third world country it's a privilege to be here and to have the same right that you cannot have in the other country.
It's one thing that I am truly blessed and truly thankful, grateful for that opportunity to live in this country, you know, to be able to be a citizen here and to become a part of this country is something that I would be grateful for all my life. And me and my daughter being protected in this country, I know that we're protected here. I know that the law here, they serve the law here and they protect the law here, it's one thing that I can sleep peacefully in the night. I thought before I couldn't do that one because I said, “This is other country, they maybe protect their own kin.” But no! I am the living proof for myself that I could speak to that. British people are blessed to have this country as itself for them, so I am really honoured and glad that the able to stay in this country legally, you know, they grant me to stay here with my daughter legally. Not all are given the chance. I am the one of them that was given the chance, and I am thankful and privileged for that.
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