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Digital Story from the Bawso Stories Project.

Ely Shama's story, "Sewing Machine in Bangladesh" was inspired by a visit to the National Slate Museum, Llanberis. In the story, Ely remembers her mother repairing her and her siblings' clothes using a sewing machine similar to the one in the museum.

English transcript: So, I saw in this museum one sewing machine. So, my mom have one sewing machine, so she make for our clothes, dress, because me and my three sisters and two brothers in Bangladesh. Our family not too much rich, my father don’t give too much dress my sisters and brothers, so my mom make for me and my sisters dresses. So one time this dress, one dress broken she make again, again, again. Clothes broken, that time she do every time do, because otherwise not every time we buy new clothes, so every time she do. That time me feeling bad because otherwise if I buy, not to do again, repair, repair, yeah. I miss my mom when I see this machine.

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