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Digital Story from the Bawso Stories Project.

Moon's Story, "Golden Mirror", was inspired by at visit to National Museum Cardiff and describes a family mirror that looks exactly the same as the one in the museum being stolen.

English transcript: Today when I saw the mirror in the museum, it just reminded me, we have a mirror in my grandparents’ house, and it is exactly the same. And one day we are just wake up and apparently a thief go to my grandparents’ house and he thinks because my family are selling gold, he thinks this mirror, it’s edges is gold, made by gold, and he just came to take this edges and he didn't take anything else, he just came, he took the mirror, left it in the living room and he just take the edges and he go. And when we wake up and we saw it we was laughing, we say, “Oh my God, he just think this is gold!” I just want to know how he felt when he knows it’s not gold. It’s quite funny like and this it’s quite sad because, you know, it’s history, is it like long, long time we have it, but it's funny in the same time.

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