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"Our Stories" by Chinese in Wales Association, presents Alice Zhong's story.
In this inspiring interview, Alice Zhong shares her personal journey from moving to the UK in 2000 to becoming the head chef at a nursing home. Originally from China, Alice arrived in the UK after marrying a Chinese man who had been living and working there for 10 years. She candidly speaks about the challenges she faced, including language barriers, and how she overcame them with the help of her neighbors. Alice also discusses her career transition from being an accountant in China to a housewife, and eventually to starting her own small cake business and working in a nursing home kitchen. Her passion for cooking and perseverance led her to earn a Level 3 Hygiene certification, and she was promoted to head chef, a role that brings her immense pride. Alice's story is a testament to hard work, adaptability, and the power of community.
Chinese In Wales Association (CIWA) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. (Registered Charity Number is 1175444).
CIWA aims to make a positive different to the lives of ethnic Chinese residents living in Wales. CIWA's head office is in Swansea.
Please follow our Facebook/Twitter accounts: @chineseinwales
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Please note that at timestamp [3:12], during the oral interview where the word "门" is mentioned in the phrase "[是专门开放][门]," the character "门" could not be accurately displayed or supported by the video editing application. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
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