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Digital Story from the Bawso Stories Project. In this story, Zoya describes how she has changed as a person and how support from Bawso helps people to learn and grow.
English transcript: Bawso, Bawso supported us a lot with the courses, like time management and getting confident ourselves. They teach us we can do something. We are able. Because before we are just listening, you can’t do this, you can’t do that, this is what, but when we are here, now we have that ability that we can say yes, I can do something, or I can share something.
We were just scared, can’t do anything. Somebody has to be with us. Now even, we’re alone but we can manage everything by ourselves. We can also advise others and help them, what they are able to do.
My hope in the future, I always like to help people who, whoever come new here. They don’t know. So I do help them, whatever I can help. One of the ladies, she’s suffering because she got divorced from her husband. She is crying all the time. She needs somebody to listen. So, I was there for her and help her.
So, like Wales teach, gave me lots of good lessons to teach others, so I’m really happy and proud of it. I just advise everyone to be strong and do what you want to do. They are scared. English language is the barrier for them to do something. But here they are helping with courses and supporting women, so, they can do. So, I just encourage them to do something rather than sitting. That is why we go to the groups where they can teach sewing, they can learn with it, and IT for the women.
I got strong and it gave me lots of positive energies, help develop my skills and empower me to do something, help me to move forward, see new things, build new things. Like I went in the front, not in the back, so I’m very happy for that.
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