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Digital Story from the Bawso Stories Project. In this story, Uma describes how her mother used to sell bricks of fuel made from cow dung in her village in India. The story was inspired by seeing the stone house at St Fagans National Museum of History, which reminded her of the structures that people would make to let the bricks dry out. When Uma was a child, she noticed that some people were not paying her mother properly, so she decided to do something about it. English transcript: Nobody have gas and electric one, so they make with fire. So you know cow’s dung, they make something small, small portion you know like chapati, not chapati, but look like chapati, and they put it outside. They take time to dry like seven days and when they’re dry, fully dry then they make like the stone house, they like make some house like this, they store it like one year, two years. So my mom do a lot of things, not only one thing, not only she’s housewife. So she do this one also and then she sell to someone, and the someone, so someone have business like a small business they need that one and they came to buy from my mom and sometimes they pay immediately and sometimes they don’t. And my mom ask money, and they say okay give tomorrow, tomorrow I come again and I give it to you and there are no tomorrow after tomorrow they never come back. And then sometimes mom go there, and she asks money, and they shout with mom, oh you don’t have patience and like this, I say I give it back, but you don’t have any patience and like this. Then mom come back home upset, what happened, she said oh they not give money because I go to work and come back, then everyone need food yeah. So mom don’t have money, so how to make food and she said they never pay, I said why, well they said tomorrow I will pay and then after tomorrow all every day I go there, and they never pay. I say okay, let’s go.One day I go there and I ask money and they start to shouting with me, I said don’t shouting with me, otherwise I tell every neighbour and they going to know you really bad person, you know my situation, you know my position and I don’t have anything in the house, so why you not pay money. And then they say, you say everyone, then say I say okay, done, and then I go with two, three friend and say to everyone you know that man is cheater, you can’t give to anything to this man and then you know my place is member, I go to the member and I say uncle, they never pay my mommy’s money, say to the person and they have again, they ask talk to everyone and they say okay, so maybe one day they have a meeting with everyone. Where I say so what, you never pay that’s why every day coming to your house, you not give money, so I say to everyone then there is meeting finish, end of the meeting they pay there, because the member say okay.That time I was 8, 8 and a ½. I don’t like people, I don’t like people cheat with me because I’m never cheat, why you cheat with me? I don’t like people cheat with me.
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