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Digital Story from the Bawso Stories Project. To tell her story "Snakes", Precious was inspired by seeing the painting "Still life with a snake, frogs, tortoise and a lizard" by Paolo Porpora (1617-1673) at National Museum Cardiff.In the story, Precious describes a mysterious sighting of snakes at her childhood friend's house in Bangladesh. English transcript: When I was at the museum, the painting was remind me the snake story. It’s quite a scary story. I can’t forget that. So it was one day me and my cousin – I went my cousin house, right, for sleepover. In the swimming pool, we were swimming, and we had a bet, we were like, okay, let’s go – it was a massive swimming pool by the way. So we had a bet, we were like whoever goes the other side fast win, right? I was like, okay, let’s do it then. Because we like to take challenge. This is me as well, yeah, I like to take challenge, yeah. So, like let’s go. So we went the same time, right. And it was massive swimming pool, isn’t it? So it was just funny, no-one can win, because we are very tired we just kept swimming, and swimming, we were very tired. So same time we were swimming back from the other side, same time we came back but as I said no-one wins. And then we came back and then we were relaxing for a bit, we were taking break from swimming. And then I saw there is two snake, two snake. I don’t know, were they fighting or were they loving each other? They were hugging, they were hugging and they were doing that, I don’t know, embracing or hugging each other, that’s what I can’t, still, since then, till now I can’t tell. And I was the first person, I was like ah, a snake! And it was big snake, black. Both of them, black snake. And in my country we have so many snake. It’s not like UK. It is more like, I would, say Australia. Because I know that I saw it. I used to see when it’s heavily raining, I used to see snakes in front of our house. Because it’s raining, everywhere is watery. So they just swimming. So they have to live, right? How we live, they have life as well. So we’re like, okay, you are our friends, new friends, okay. Live your life, just don’t bite us because our country, some are a bit scary, they can eat you. They can, you know, yeah, bite you and then you can, you will die. So they’re very scary snakes. And we saw it was two big, black snakes. And then luckily they had security, they had security and she called him, like she was screaming, and he came. And do you know what the – what’s the magic thing? And he was like where is it, where is it? And then he went there and he saw there is no snake, nothing! In the centre where the all snakes gone? Where they gone? There is two snakes, where they gone? And yeah, that still I keep remember. I keep thinking where the snakes gone? And then I think, were they actually snakes or something else? Maybe they were something else and they became snake and then they just vanish. We are human being right? There is another, how you say, another planet, we call jinn. Genie, the Aladdin genie. The genie comes from jinn. In our holy book, it says about jinn. Jinn, they are invisible. They’re not visible, they are invisible. So that’s why I think now, I was like maybe it’s not snake because he don’t see, we saw them, he didn’t see them. So, if it’s not a snake, it must be jinn. The jinn can vanish like any time. So this is what I think it would be jinn.

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