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Digital Story from the Bawso Stories Project. In this story inspired by a visit to the National Waterfront Museum, Annie compares the journey of a solar powered car that she saw to the journeys of those supported by Bawso.

English transcript: Waterfront Museum in Swansea, there is also a locomotive, and we are told that they are using the solar. Back in Kenya before there was electricity we were using solar. If we put the solar and there is no light, if there is no sun, we are in darkness, although it is not full darkness you cannot see enough light. Then I was thinking about this. If it was using solar to go all the way, what if it is like the one we are using in Kenya and there is no sun that day so we are using the firewood to see through. What about this one, if it’s on the way, and it stops – what will happen? Will it be the end of the journey?

I don’t know, so I need to know more about it. Unfortunately, I didn’t get them to tell me what will happen. But I just compare with the journey of the women who come to Bawso. When coming from their country, they think that now I have to start up again. Some of them flee to Bawso and they start their life again. They finally go to wherever they are supposed to be through Bawso. So from the darkness to the light again. The same thing as this one – if it stops, there must be something because there is a lot of technologies in this country, there is a way to go through to the other side. I was thinking of comparing that to, it’s like the solar power. Because the women come here and they think that their life will be the same. But when they come to Bawso they are met with faces, people who care for them and their lives start again in a bright way. So it’s like this in a way. It can stop anywhere, and then there is some technology, and then the journey starts again.

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