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Digital Story from the Bawso Stories Project. Annie's story "Typewriter in Kenya" was inspired by seeing an old typewriter at the National Waterfront Museum. Annie describes learning to use a typewriter at secretarial college in Kenya, the noises it made, and how it felt.English transcript: When we are visiting the museum for the first time at Waterfront, I was like, oh, so even me there is things I’m learning from there. The first thing which caught my eyes is the typewriter. When I saw that typewriter, it gave me a memory back in my ears. I remember when I finished my secondary school the first thing I told my parents is that I want to be a secretary. Then I went to a college called Pitman in Nairobi. And when I saw that computer I remember they are the ones we are using, they were using some ink… long, long time ago. That is about 20, 30, that is about 45 years ago. That give me a nice memory. I was going to Nairobi Street. Nairobi is a busy city of Kenya. The way I was going to the street just to type. It was making some noise , ta ta ta ta ta ta, when you are typing there. That give me a very nice memory. And I was like, so I can then see something like this here in the UK.It made me to be proud that I studied years ago and now I can see it somewhere. In Kenya they were disposable. You can’t get them or see them anywhere. But I was happy to see that one. It was nice, because even when you are in a very low mood, you know it was making that noise, even if you come home and feel that you cannot do it, the way everyone was doing it. We were making fun of each other. It's like a keyboard, you know. It was nice. It gives you back your happiness, yeah, and that is when I saw it here I thought of that. Something which gives me memories of my country and my youth, yeah.

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