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Digital Story from the Bawso Stories Project. Seeing the weighing scales in the shop in St Fagans National Museum of History reminded Uma of the weighing scales her family had at home in India to measure out vegetales and other goods to sell and trade.
English transcript: So that one use every people in India, every one use, every one have a personal this one, when someone has something like rice, potato, and they weigh it like this and then they give it. Not only shop. Basically at my house, my mom and dad make vegetable outside and someone need some aubergine, cauliflower, a lot of vegetable growing, even house, sometime have a bigger house, and they grow a little bit aubergine, papaya, banana and I have a lot of coconut tree in the house. So someone need and then, even rice also, you grow rice outside and someone don’t have rice, and they came, and they ask can, I give it to me 5 kilo rice? And sometimes my mom need money and then she give little bit to sell something, vegetable.
Even my father, evening time go to, you know, the pick of the fish outside and sometime my father have a big portion fish and then sell little bit to someone, and they see, and they’re excited, oh today is a really nice fish and every fish is fresh one. So someone asked to sell then my mom give and like half kilogram and one kilogram like this, that’s why always my mom have that one. The weighing scale yeah. And lot of things, like milk, when someone have cow, in the village side, everything they have, when you have milk and someone say you sell milk? Sometimes mom thinking, today I have 2 kilo of milk okay, so I keep half kilo and one and half kilo I sell someone, money came then go shopping by some other ingredients, you know? So mom did like this, yeah. So everything, always my house have this one. Now have bigger one because my three brother-in-law they have a nursery business. So now have bigger, bigger one like 50kg, 100kg one. So that one is wooden one, bigger, bigger like this. So before I have this one, a small one.
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