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East and Wesr Winding Engine Houses
Sinking by the Old Broughton Coal Company began in 1875 and the pit began producing in 1877. It was always regarded as a modern pit and was the first in the country to have electricity underground. The generating station at the pit also supplied electricity to Gatewen and Vron Collieries. At its peak, the mine employed 1,099 men. In 1885 the local miners drove away Irishmen who were taking their jobs. The pit closed in 1938.
At the far right is the East Winding House built of sandstone, with the remains of the Compressor House around the corner. Next to it is the red brick West Winding House. The shafts were to the rear and have been filled. The long single story building was the Workshops and the Fan House was behind.
To the left is the tall Power House, now the adventure centre. If the cafe here is open you can get refreshments and use the toilet.
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