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Mardy Workmen's Institute. Opening: Ceremony. Despite the Arctic conditions which prevailed at Mardy on Monday afternoon, a large and representative gathering had assembled to witness the opening of the Workmen's Institute, which is situated at the corner of Ceridwen Street and Church Street. The building, which is a very imposing structure, has been built through the efforts of the workmen employed at Locket's-Merthyr Colliery, the building alone being estimated at a cost of £ 6,000, whilst the fittings, gymnasium and library (which contains volumes to the value of £ 2,000) amount to £ 9,000. For a long time past, the workmen have taxed them- selves Hd. in the- £ to pay off the cost of the building, and they will continue this poundage until the whole cost has been cleared off. Commenting upon this magnificent building, Mr. W. T. Stead, in his appre- ciation of the Welsh Revival, wrote: — At Mardy the miners are volun- tarily taxing themselves this year three- halfpence in the pound of their wages for building a, public hall, library, and reading room. By their express request, the money is deducted from their wages on pay-day. They have created a library of 2,000 books, capitally selected and well used. They have every outward and visible sign of industrial prosperity." The Institution is built mainly of native stone, with Forest of Dean dressings. In the basement at the entrance to Church Street are a large billiard-room, gym- nasium, lecture-room, and games-room. The ground floor entrance is from Cerid- wen Street, and contains a large vesti- bule, ladies' room, refreshment-room, uiagazine-room, and a spacious reading- room. On the first floor is the hall, which, with the gallery, is capable of providing seating accommodation for 1,200 people. The building is lighted by both gas and electricity, the electrical fittings being supplied by Messrs. Clay Brothers, Car- diff, whilst the heating apparatus, which extends throughout, was installed by Messrs. Stott and Co., Oldham. The building was erected by Mr. J. B. Mundy, contractor, Mardy, from plans designed bv Mr. E. Williams, architect, Cardiff. The building was declared open by Mrs. Mewton (wife of the managing director), who was presented with a silver key by Eos Dar. The attendance also included Mr. W. G. Dalziel, secretary of the Coal- owners' Association, and the newly ap- pointed director of the Locket's-Merthyr Co., who opened the ladies', reading and refreshment rooms. After the opening ceremony, Mr. Taliesin Richards, M.E., presided at a Public meeting in the hall. In the course of the proceedings a letter was read from Mr. G. Locket expressing the great per- sonal interest which he took in the development of Mardy. The directors of the Locket's-Merthyr Company had set before them as one of their principal objects the material comfort, prosperity, and well-being of the employees, and with this end in view they had at the outset niade arrangements for the building of a considerable number of houses of a superior class to those which at that time were general in colliery villages (applause). It had also been sought to provide for the intellectual needs of the neighbour- hood by opening a reading room. Mr. Locket expressed his earnest desire that the Institute would be the means of dis- covering some of the latent ability which was undoubtedly possessed by many of the Workers in Mardy. The Chairman also read a, letter from Mr. E. S. Jenkins, Cardiff, expressing his appreciation of the Institute, and en- closing a cheque for L25 towards liquid- atmg the debt. Mr. Dalziel, in the course of an address, remarked that although in his official canacity he might have appeared to be antagonistic to the working classes, at the same time he had always studied what he could do for their betterment, and for the promotion of their welfare (applause). He believed this new Institution would be the ttxeans of easing the lot of those who had to toil. Mr. Ronnfeldt, speaking as one who had had 30 years' experience on the commits of the Cardiff Library, urged that liberty should be given to those in autho- rity to nrovide the best class of literature, an thus bring within the reach of all scientific books which were clearly and lucidly written. After the public meeting a presentation of a barograph and silver tea service was Wade to Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Richards, M.E. plished thing. The new Institution would be a great boon to the inhabitants of Mardy, who had been working hand in hand in building an Institution of which all the workmen in the locality would be Proud of. They had already a great num- ber of men in Mardy who had risen high on the ladder of fame, but with the aid or the splendid books in the new reading room they would still have more men in the future. The gifts which they were presenting to him that evening were but & small token of regard which they had tor the great work which he had done for the Mardy workmen in the past. Mr. Richards, in acknowledging the Sifts, said that he desired to thank them *orthe kind things which had been said of him and his wife. The greatest enjoy- ment which he had that day was to join I n the satisfaction felt by others in find- *ng that what they had looked forward to r?r many years had come to pass. Refer- £ tng to the library, he believed in educa- tion from the bottom of his heart. He himself was a son of a workman, and had forked himself up from the ranks. If the talent for reading was in the minds of parents, it would also be in that of the children by law of heredity. If the Workmen of Mardy would not value the institution, then their blood would rest on their own heads. They had worked very hard from the commerfcement of the proposals to that day; they worked hand Q hand, and also received support alike from workmen, officials, and the go-betweens, and the thing had come to a success. It was one of the brightest signs in the world to see masters and workmen going together hand in hand. He also hoped that the Institution would be able to provide innocent enjoyment. In Mardy, perched as they were on Gla- morgan's backbone, they wanted food for the bocly as well as for the soul. He also hoped that the young men would take advantage of the excellent books which were stocked in the library, the glorious books, of Norman Lockyer, which were some of the finest books written on science. If these and similar good books were read, then he believed they should have a better class of civilisation (ap- plause). In the evening, a grand concert was given by the Mardy school children, under the conductorship of Mr. Gwilyin Lewis, headmaster. The duties of the chair were carried out by Mr. Robert Bird, J.P., Cardiff. All praise is due to the commit- tee, which included Dr. S. Glanville Morris, who have spared neither time nor trouble in bringing this laudable move- ment to such a, successful issue. The officers were: —Chairman, Mr. T. E. Richards; vice-chairmen, Messrs. J. Mor- gan and W. Robinson; treasurer, Mr. D. Evans (Eos Dar); librarian, Mr. George Edwards; and secretary, Mr. D. V. Lewis

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