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Bryn Ebenzer describes beginning work on the railways when he was 17 year old.

Early in 2013 l interviewed Bryn Ebenezer from Aberystwyth, one of the last railway signal men who worked on the closed branch line from Aberystwyth to Carmarthen, part of what would have been the Manchesterto Milfordrailway line. He told me about the work he did as a signal man and some funny and sad stories from this time.

I am an artist working on a self funded art piece called "singing the line into existence" and is a response to the loss of the branch lines and the metaphors connected with it. If anyone has a story they would like to tell me, please get in touch.

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Comments (1)

Anonymous's profile picture
Had a good day today at the 60 s event. All the hard work that went into the staging of this event is very much aepprciated and 6940 looks fantastic and it was good to hear her going through the Dee Valley again.

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