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On 1 January 1949, when the British Nationality Act 1948 came into force, every person who was a British subject by virtue of a connection with a place within the United Kingdom or one of her Crown colonies became a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC).

This new status meant that British subjects in British Crown Colonies such as Jamaica were now citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies. Before August 6, 1962, when Jamaica gained independence from Britain, people were able to apply for and hold British passports.

Mr Roy Grant was born in St Catherine, Jamaica on 1 May 1942. His first passport was a British passport for the former colony of Jamaica issued on October 1st, 1961. The front covers of colonial passports showed the Royal Arms with the title 'British Passport' on top and 'Jamaica' below. The first page contained a declaration from the Governor-General at the time, Sir Kenneth William Blackburne.

On 11 March 1962, at nineteen years of age, Mr Grant travelled to the UK.

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