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The traditional Welsh costume was based on dress worn by many women in Europe during the 18th century. The reasons for its survival in Wales into the 19th century are not clear.

The most distinctive elements, by 1840, were the bedgown and the tall silk-plush hat. There were two main types of bedgown - a simple Tshaped jacket, normally made of linsey-woolsey or cotton, found in north and south-east Wales, and a tailored gown, made of homespun striped flannel, found in the south-west. The latter, with the Welsh hat, became recognised as the national costume of Wales but was never worn by more than a small number of women at any time.
This exhibition explores the history and development of the Welsh costume from its origins to the present day.

This exhibition took place at the National Library of Wales between 21 June and 4 October 2008.

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