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Although the bedgown, made of flannel or linsey-woolsey, was not unique to Wales, it survived here longer than in the rest of Europe. While the other main elements of the costume - the skirt, shawl and apron - were to be found elsewhere in Europe, they were mostly locally produced and had distinctive Welsh patterns. The blue wool cloak was more common in Wales before the late 19th century when red became popular. The nursing shawl survived longer than any other element of Welsh costume and was still worn in the 1960s and 1970s by mothers in the Welsh valleys, in the more remote parts of Wales, and by some Welsh women in large English towns such as Liverpool. Hand knitted stockings were replaced by machine made products from the middle of the 19th century.
This exhibition took place at the National Library of Wales between 21 June and 4 October 2008.
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