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Guy Passmore recalls: “This is a souvenir of the battle of Loos, France, made from a rifle bullet, brought home by Private George Passmore, who also served at Gallipoli.”

George Passmore was a Private in a Welsh regiment and served at Gallipoli.

Guy Passmore explains why so many of his great Grandfather’s family served at sea in the First World War:
“The thing about New Quay – it was very maritime. All the young people went to sea.”
Guy recalls:
“My great grandfather was Captain of the Salmonpool. It was torpedoed in the Mediterranean in June 1916. The crew took to the boats and made a safe landing.”
Guy’s great grandmother helped people fleeing Belgium after the German invasion:
“They had a committee to provide homes for as many people as possible. All the children at the front were refugees; some of the ladies would have been on the committee.”

Guy’s great uncle, Owen Jones, served in the Royal Army Medical Corps. He caught malaria in Macedonia and recuperated in a Liverpool hospital. Guy explains: “They had special bright blue uniforms for being in hospital”.

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