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In October 2000 a crew of filmmakers descended upon the small beach of Porth Ysgaden to film scenes for a TV mini-series called Dinotopia.
It wasn't common for film crews to appear on the Llyn and even more uncommon for them to allow the public to wonder about the set! I was ecstatic to be able to see the props and the set in place. The building was called the hatchery and on the beach below were giant replicas of 'dinosaur' eggs.
I remember going with most of my family to visit the set, including my mother, my aunt, my grandmother, grandfather, my brother and two of our friends Rhys and Ceri, pictured in the last photograph.
Getting to the beach of Porth Ysgaden can be tricky. If the tide is in you would have to wade through the sea to get to the beach or use the precarious footpath down the cliff. My grandmother always used to worry about my grandfather doing down the footpath in case he fell.
Luckily the film crew had created some steps down to the beach to make it easier to access so both my grandparents could enjoy the beach that day. It's a shame the film crew didn't leave the steps when they finished filming!
Information about the TV series can be found here:
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