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Maranhão Brazil
Aboard of S.S. Brunswick of Liverpool
May 14 1874

Mr T.B. Phillips

Anwyl Gydwladwr

Ysgrifenais atoch gyda'r Mail diweddaf o'r lle hwn – hanes ein llong-ddrylliad, ar fôr Tutoya rhwng Parnaybo a'r lle hwn. Diangasom oll yn fyw ac yn iach o beryglon y môr. Cymerwyd ni oll i bentref Tutoya i aros nes cael gwybod y ffordd i fyned oddiyno i Parnaybo. Myfi a'r Captain a neulltuwyd i fyned yn o'r blaen i baratoi y ffordd. Aethom i Parnahibo, a dychwelasom atynt gyda dau lighters i'w cymeryd hwythau a'u pethau dros yr afon tuag yno (Parnahibo). Ail gychwynasom o'u blaen mewn cryn bryder am iechyd y fintai tra y byddent ar y ffordd – sef yr afonydd afiachus rhwng y ddau le (Now I remember that you can read English better then Welsh). We, the Capt and myself, hastened forward in a canoe to meet the Steamer Alcantara coming from Cearah to Maranhão. We boarded her at Amaração. We arrived here on 26th of April. We found the American and Argentine Consuls. The latter would have nothing whatever to do with our case. The American Consul could not by law do anything for the passengers – but he could take care of the ship's crew, and return them to the United States. Yet being a rich man - and a very kind man, he is going to help us forward to Rio Janeiro. He will advance on his own account the sum we lack to carry us there. The Capt Rogers returned to Parnybo on the same steamer Alcantara on the 11instant to inform our friends of the results and to bring them all here by the return of the same Steamer on the 26th of this month. To save expenses it was decided that I should remain here until that time and make preparations for their arrival.

Today my heart is almost broken. This day I received sad news from them. Two of them are dead. The wife of Zechariah Jones and the wife of David Griffiths are both dead!! They took the fever on that encasmatic river – just what I feared. Others of them are yet sick but not dangerous as I am informed. We shall hasten to get to Rio Janeiro – a colder climate.

Yn awr, anwyl Gydwladwr, er mwyn eich cenedl a'ch Duw, will you come to our assistance at Rio Janeiro? If you can not come yourself will you not write to somebody there to pay some attention to us. And if you could in some way arrange to take us down to the Colony – at once, that would end the troubles that surround us at present. It will cost us £150 to reach Rio J and of that sum Mr Tavaras the American Consul at Maranhão will advance £50 or £60 – or about six hundred milreis. But from Rio forward unless you can take us and allow us to pay you for our passage as soon as we can at the Colony – we shall be oblige to settle down to work at Rio Janeiro to earn our living; how long I can not tell – but every one of us is determined to get to the Welsh Colony as soon as possible. Address me at Rio care of American Consul.

Gwnewch eich goreu anwyl Gyfaill.
Yr eiddoch
D S Davies


I write to you with the news of our shipwreck on the Tutoya sea between Parnaybo and Maranhão. We all escaped with our lives. We were taken to the village of Tutoya until we knew the way from there to Parnaybo. The Captain and myself arranged to go ahead. We went to Parnahibo and returned with two lighters to take everybody and their possessions over the river towards Parnahibo. We started before them but I was worried about everyone's health whilst on the journey on the unhealthy rivers between the two places.

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