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A letter to T B Phillips from D S Davies in New York.
He states that he received the letter that T B Phillips sent to Mr Stuart Barnes and thanks him for going to the trouble of explaining his journey towards the Welsh Colony in such detail. He states that it will be an advantage for thousands of others to read it also. It has been translated in detail for publication in the Welsh Papers in America. It has been decided that the Rush will travel directly from New York to New Bay, from now on until the end of her sailing days. If a store house can be built in New Bay, we will be very willing to buy a large new ship, not a small one. The only way to access the Chubut River will be for the colonists to buy a similar one and look after it themselves. The distance is to great for us to arrange trading with a small cargo ship.

Myself and 60-70 people hope to emigrate in two to three months time. I hope to hear you have already settled in Porth Madryn (New Bay). You can build a hotel there because that that is the place for incoming settlers to land. It will be easy for them to travel onwards from here.

Please write to me urgently and include any observations and evaluations you may have. Now let us put our shoulders to the wheel of the Welsh Colony. That is our hope as a nation. Your letter is sure to make a great impact.

Captain Evans has greatly disappointed us and has lost us thousands of dollars, but this will not dishearten us. Forward! We have already overcome greater trials. I have relinquished my church duties so that I will be available to go to Patagonia. We expect to be there by Christmas.

I presume you understand Welsh writing as well as English as I understand you are an old advocate for a Welsh Colony. I am encouraged very much in my labours for the Welsh Colony Patagonia by the spirit of your report to Mr Barnes. Let us unite in our work for the advancement of the Welsh Colony on the Chuput – let us organize on a large scale.

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