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Summary of the American newspaper article:



What a wonderful opportunity to visit the Colony. The ship “EDITH ROSE” will be at the service of the public who wish to travel on board. This ship has been built to carry emigrants, and one will not find better journey conditions. It used to be impossible for us to get a ship to the Colony without disembarking at Buenos Aires, staying there for a fortnight or a month before going on to the Colony, making this a very long journey. But the Edith Rose will take us there direct, from New York to Porth Madryn or the mouth of the Gamwy. This is a huge advantage.

This Company supplies water, heating, a place to cook and a place to set beds and will carry us from New York to the Colony for $5,000. There is room for 200 passengers. It will be the same cost however many passengers. We will meet prior to the journey to buy our supplies at cost price.
Well friends, better facilities cannot be found. The Colony is succeeding quickly in every aspect and you too can be a part of this venture. However, cows are essential. They cost between $7 and $10 dollar on your arrival. Other essentials will fall into place.

• 100 acres of land will be given free to every family of three, and to every three in the family, two under twelve years of age will count as one

• 100 acres of land will be given free to every individual male who wishes to work the land

• A large area the size of a parish will be given to anyone who has enough animals to graze the land

• Not one acre of land will be given or sold to anyone outside the Colony; immediate success calls for this rule

Dafydd Williams, Durhamville, New York, will arrive with this group. I have also longed over the years to see Patagonia, and believe that I will be granted my wish very soon.

At least 100 of you, come with me now.

I cannot hope for a more comfortable journey than the one we will have on the Edith Rose. Reply post haste within a fortnight. No payment necessary until the list has been drawn up – and names sent to every one of the group – then payment immediately. I envisage a cost of $80 to cover supplies and transport, if under that sum, all the better. I am at your service, and will be with you to end of the journey, and will stay as long as I am needed.

Please reply to me promptly so that the above ship will be at our service. Send to me before hand to SCRANTON, PA
Yours sincerely
D.S. Davies


Aboard of Steamer Galileo
Rio de Janero June 13th. 1874
Mr Thomas B Phillips

Anwyl Gydwladwr

We have seen hard times on the coasts of Brazil – but we have succeeded very well indeed. We have found our way clear to Buenos Ayres. We are booked to-day on the English Steamer Galileo. We number 31 souls all in good cheer. The colony from Wales under the lead of Rev. D. Ll. Jones and Rev. A. Mathews of Patagonia left this port on 15th May. They numbered about 70 souls. We should like to hear from you at B Ayres. Address me care of the American Minister at Buenos Ayres. The Capt of the Schooner Electric Spark is here with us working faithfully in the interest of the passengers. He intends to come and see you before long if possible. We should be very pleased to see you at Buenos Ayres.

Yours truly
D.S. Davies
New York

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