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Edward Benbow explaied that he had not had a favourable time of late, due to poor health and trouble finding work. He had made inquires about the old Admiral family of Deptford parish as regards births and burials. After much research he had found the vault in the graveyard with the names of the family on the stone and on a brass plate under the vault. He had also spoken with neighbours. Some of them were pleased that heirs to the Admiral Estate had come forward. However, since the present tenants did not pay rent, they were worried about their uncertain future. Edward Benbow's mother had said that an uncle had owned the property. David Benbow had informed Edward that relatives had held a meeting in a small town in Wales. Edward could not attend because he was in Hampshire, and had not been told of the outcome. His mother had been promised a visit afterwards, but it had not materialized. According to an old couple who had been living in Deptford twenty years previously, a fight had ensued between member of the family as to the legal ownership of the property. Edward Benbow was still awaiting more news of the meeting that was held in Wales, so the he could proceed to court to settle the matter. It would cost 6s and 6d for three days work, but would be the best and cheapest way to sort the matter. More communication had been made to Wales, with no answer as yet. Edward was planning to travel to Wales.
Letter to be left for Mr John Benbow at Mr Joseph Clarke and Bros, Phoenix Mills, Mills Street, Manchester
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