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Evan Evans thanked Thomas Benbow Phillips for his prompt reply, but noted that the greatest aim should be to glorify God, and serving the nation should be one of the means to attain that. However, due to monetary problems, Evan Evans would be unable to pay even half his passage, due to having to give up all his property to pay debts, so he would not be able to support himself and his family in Brazil. Unless the passage for Evan Evans and all his family of eight is paid for in full, they would not be able to travel. Two neighbouring families and some other individuals would come on the understanding they would only have to pay half the passage charge. He suggested that it would be better for a few, including himself, to go over to establish the settlement in a suitable locality, before the rest of the Colonists join them. He maintained that he had great faith in Thomas Benbow Pillips, with God's help, to chose the best locality with regards to climate, safety, access to trade and to give Welsh names to places. He asked for confirmation how he should apply for free passage, should money be changed in Liverpool or carried in sterling to Rio Grande, and who would sign the character reference needed by the Brazilian Government. Evan Evans asked for the address of the Rev Owen Jones so that he could correspond with him directly after Thomas Benbow Phillips had sailed from Liverpool.

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