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Letter written to Senor T B Phillips at Carrutheus Souza 44, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil by Evan Evans, Brynmawr dated 10 February, 1851

Evan Evans explained that as well as receiving a reply from Thomas Benbow Phillips, he had also received a letter from his father noting additional information about the new Colony. He had written a short report to “Yr Amserau” to try to quell the disquiet of certain authors as to the eligibility of Rio Grande as a Colony, had translated Thomas Benbow Phillips's letter and sent copies to various Welsh newspapers. He sent his good wishes to the shoemakers, John and Isaac Griffiths and the tiler, W Edmusson. Few people were willing to contribute money until they were in receipt of more factual information from those who had emigrated, so he had been unable to establish an Association in the new Colony. Evan Evans said he was in favour of an entirely Welsh Colony. He also stated that about 100 families would be willing to travel out with him, if he could afford the journey. He also thanked Thomas Benbow Phillips in advance for letting him know about disadvantages as well as advantages in the country, and required answers to a few questions that he listed about the territory, wild animals, education, religion, the native Indian tribes, the price of salt and whether there was an import dutiy on books.

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