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Letter written to Thomas Benbow Phillips by D S Davies from the office of the Canal Steam Transportation Company, 39 Pearl Street, New York, dated 21 January 1874
D S Davies informed T B Phillips that a party of 50 persons would be sailing from New York for Patagonia on 7 February on the schooner “Electric Spark”. These emigrants had purchased the schooner and secured the services of a new Captain, who intended to settle in the Colony with his family. The Captain had promised to turn into Rio Grande to see Thomas Benbow Phillips if the winds were favourable. D S Davies hoped to meet with Thomas Benbow Phillips at the Colony to commence operations at the Bahia Nueva. One member of the party had puchased a first class Threshing Machine for $600, as well as other useful articles. The party of 50-100 strong from Wales would sail on 13 April.
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