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Petition by Thomas Felippe, while representing his wife, Maria Janoaria, asking to be invested via certificate of the inventory of her deceased father, Elias Florinal, as well as the payment made to her. The petition was accepted, and the scribe Antonio Belarmino Ribeiro certifies as requested - a payment was done to the heir Maria Janoaria, married to Thomas Felippe, to the amount of 146:300 reis, by Claudirtino, 16 years old.

Illustrious Mister Doctor Judge of Orphans
Says Thomas Felippe by head of his wife daughter of the diseased Elias Florianal that to the good of his right needs that the scribe of this judge to invest him of the inventory by death of the said his father-in-law pass by certificate the content of the payment done to the legitimate of the wife of the … and how it depends on despatch.

P. Piratiny 7 of
August of 1856

G. a ,,, serve himself to order to pass the certificate required
E. N. M.ce
Antonio Belarmino Ribeiro lifelong servant of the craft of scribe of orphans of the town of Piritinim and its term by His Majesty The Emperor
In observance if the above despatch: I certify that in my registry there are found the letters of inventory by death of Elias

Elias Florinal, and in it at sheet fourteen back can be found the payment done to the portion of legitimate of which the aforementioned petition speaks and it is of the content and the following way – Payment to the heir Maria Janoaria married to Thomas Felippe, of the quantity of a hundred and forty sixthousand three hundred reis – the said heir in her legitimate have the following – in part of the ...Claudirtino of sixteen years of age, the quantity of a hundred forty sixthousand three hundred reis, with which this payment is whole, and signed Judge and members of the partition
- I Antonio Belarmino Ribeiro Scribe of Orphans that wrote it – Signed B. Peres – Antonio Gonsalves Valente – Justino J... da Silveira – There were no more things in the said payment to which I report, and with its content I read, confirmed, wrote and signed in this Town of Nossa Senhora da Conceicao de Piratinim at 7 of August of 1856

[signature]Antonio Belarmino Ribeiro

Transcription: Senhor Doutor Juiz d'Orphaos

Diz Thomas Felippe por cabeca de sua mu lher filha do finado Elias Florianal que a bem de seu direito necessita que o Escrivao deste Juiz o em vista do inventario por faleci mento de dito seu sogro passe por certi dao otheor do pagamento feito a legitima da mulher do Supp.te e como depende de des pacho

P. Piratiny 7 de
Agosto de 1856

G. a ,,, se sirva mandar passar a cer tidao requerida
signature] E. N. M.ce

Antonio Belarmino Ribeiro Ser ventuario Vitalicio do Officio d'Es crivao d'Orphaos da Villa de Pira tinim e seu Termo por Sua Magestade

O Imperador

Em observancia no despacho su pra cirtifico que em meu Carto rio existem findas as cartas d'in ventario por falecimento de Elias

Elias Florinal, e n'elle a falhas quatorze verco acha-se o pagamen to feito no quinhao de ligitima de que trata a peticao retro, e e' do theor e forma seguinte – Paga mento a herdeira Maria Janoa ria casada com Thomas Felippe, da quantia de cento quarenta seismil trezentos reis – Havera
deita herdeira em sua ligitima o seguinte – Emparte do criou lo Claudirtino de desseis annos
de idade, a quantia de cento qua renta seismil tezentos reis, com que fica este pagamento intei rado, e assignarao Juiz e Parti dores. Eu Antonio Belar mino Ribeiro Escrivao d'Or phaos que o escrevj – Assigna dos – B. Peres – Antonio Gon salves Valente – Justino J... da Silveira – Nao se conti nha mais cousa alguma em dito pagamento a que me repar te, e com seu theor esta li, con fereri, escrevi e assignej nesta Villa de Nossa Senhora da Conceicao de Piratinim aos 7 de Agosto de 1856.

[signature]Antonio Belarmino Ribeiro

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