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Letter from Josepha James, in which she shares her happiness upon receiving news from her family. She says it was not worth it to thank her for the things she sent them, and that she was going to send another bundle with clothes from her husband for the two older boys, and a dress for her granddaughter. She asks about her granddaughter and sends her kisses. She sends special regards to Mr. Phillips because she did not say goodbye to him when she left Pelotas, because everything was rushed. She sends regards from Mr. James and Mr. and Mrs. Lefebvre.
Rio Grande 30 de Abril 1868
My esteemed comadre
I have received your letter from yesterday which gave me a lot of preasure to know news from you and all the family. It was not worth to thank me for what I sent you for it was such an insignificant thing and I did not send more because I did not have time to arrange it however as soon as I can I will make another bundle and send it to you I will see if I get some clothes from my husband for you to arrange for your two oldest boys I will also send some dresses for my poor goddaughter, how is she is she strong yet? Give her a kiss from me and another from her godfather. And here I finish my letter giving many saudades to Mrs. Phillips and to my compadre because on the day that I came from Pelotas I did not say goodbye to him everything was so rushed that even I was confused.
Accept saudades fromMr. James and Mrs. and Mr. Lefebvre and a hug from your comadre that esteems you a lot
[signature]Josepha S. James
Rio Grande 30 de Abril de 1868
Minha estimada Comadre
Recebi a sua cartinha de homtem a qual muito praser me deu por saber noticias suas e de toda a familia. Pois nao valia a pena me dar agredecimentos pelo que eu lhe mandei pois era coiza tao insignificante e nao lhe mandei mais por nao ter tempo de as arranjar porem assim que puder fasso uma outra trouxa e lhe mando heide ver se arranjo alguma roupa do meu marido para a senhora arranjar para os seus dois meninos mais velhos heide mandar taombem uns vestidinhos para minha afilhada, coitadinha como vai ella ja esta forte? Dei lhe um beijinho por mim e outro pelo seu padrinho.
E aqui acabo minha carta dando muitas saudades a Mrs. Phillips e ao meu compadre pois no dia que vim de Pelotas nao me despedi delle taobem foi tud[o] com tanta pressa que eu mesmo estava atrapalhada.
Querao todos aceitar saudades de Mr. James e Mrs. e Mr. Lefebvre e um abraco de sua comadre que muito a estima
[signature]Josepha S. James
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