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Letter from Josepha James, in which she apologizes for not being able to answer the letter. She justifies it by implying that she has been very busy, and even as she writes, she does so in a rush because the 'steam' (boat? Train?) is almost leaving. She asks how Mrs. Phillips is doing, and asks the receiver to let her know that she misses her, and never forgets her. She sends a kiss to her goddaughter in her and her husband's behalf, and wishes that the other children are good. She sends regards from Mr and Mrs Lefebvre, and Mr James. Herself, Rosalie and Alfredo miss Mrs. Phillips and send her regards.


Rio Grande 27 of June of 1868
My dear comadre

I am extremely embarrassed with … for not having answered your letter however you must forgive me … you know who has a house cannot always as for example now so I can write it is required that I write in a rush because the steam is about to leave

My compadre did not even want dinner or to have tea even once with you and left without saying goodbye. How is Mrs. Phillips I wanted to give her a lot of my saudades tell her that I never forget her. Give a little kiss in my goddaughter that I and her godfather send I will esteem very much that the other boys are good Mr. and Mrs. Lefebvre recommend themselves a lot and Mr. James too Rosalie and Alfredo send many saudades to Mrs. Phillips and I also send mine to my comadre and my compadre. … your very friend

[signature]Josepha S James


Rio Grande 27 de Junho de 1868
Minha estimada Comadre

Estou envergonhadis sima com a senhora por nao ter respondido a sua carta porem deve-me discuplar a senhora sabe quem tem caza nem sempre pode como por exemplo agora para eu poder-lhe escrever e precizo escrever-lhe a toda pressa pois o vapor esta prestes a sahir O meu compadre nao quis nem jantar nem tomar cha uma so ves connosco e foi-sse embora sem me diser adeos. Como a Mrs. Phillips queria dar-lhe muitas saudades minhas diga-lhe que eu nunca me esqueco della. Queira dar um beijinho na minha afilhada que eu e seu Padrinho lhe mando Muito estimarei que os outros meninos todos passem bem Mr. e Mrs. Lefebvre muito se recomendao e Mr. James taobem Rosalie e Alfredo mandao muitas saudades para Mrs. Phillips e eu juntamente envio as minhas para minha Comadre e meu Compadre. Ce sua muito amiga

[signature]Josepha S James

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