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Receipt of the payment of the jewelry of the Freemason Society Philantropia, for a total of 52$000, by Thomas Benbow Phillips in March 1878.
N. 32
[stamp] Rs. 52$000
Sob. Cap.
I have received from the respectable brother Thomaz B. Philips, by count and order of the Sob. Cap. Philantropia the amount of fifty-two mil reis from the jewelry of the Gr. 4 to 17 and respective certificate in attention to the services redered by this brother
Rio Grande, 8 of June of 1876
The Gr. Treasurer
[signature]Anacleto Jose de Oliveira G. 18
N. 32
[stamp] Rs 52$000
Sob. Cap.
Recebi do Respeitavel Irmao Thomaz B. Philips, por conta e ordem do Sob. Cap. Philantropia a quantia de cincoenta e dois mil reis proveniente da joia do GR. 4 a 17 e respectivo certificado em atencao aos servicoes prestados por este Irmao.
Rio Grande, 8 de Junho de 1876ovember
O Gr. Thesoureiro
[signature]Anacleto Jose de Oliveira G. 18
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