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Newspaper clipping from 24 October 1965, related to the celebrations of the 100 years of the Welsh colonization in the valley of Chubut, Argentine. A group of 73 people from the Welsh Argentine Society came to attend the homage to the founders of Rawson, Puerto Madryn, Trelew, Gaiman, Dolovan, Esquel, Trevelin, and Colonia 16 de Octubre, presided by Dr. Albann Davis. The group consists of by Mr. William Richard Owen, representative of the BBC in North Wales, as well as descendants of the colonists, among others. The group arrived at the international airport of Ezeiza, and was welcomed by the president of the Welsh Society of Buenos Aires and of the commission of festivities, Mr. Daniel Lewis, as well as members of the British Council and English embassy in Argentine. The day after the celebration, the delegation will travel to Trelew, and later on, to Chubut, and San Carlos de Bariloche, where they will return to Buenos Aires on the 7th.


24 October 1965

A Delegation that arrived yesterday will pay homage to the Welsh Colonists of Chubut
The travelers arriving at the airport of Ezeiza

To attend the celebratratory acts of the centenary of the welsh colonization on the valley of Chubut, a group of 73 members of the Welsh Argen- tine Society (Welsh Ar- gentine Society), which has its centre in Wales, Great Bri-tain, arrived yesterday to the international airport of Ezeiza. The delegation, which will pay homage to the founders of Rawson, Puerto Madryn, Trelew, Gaiman, Dolovan, Es-quel, Trevelin and Colonia 16 of October, is presided by doctor Albann Davis, accompanied, among others, by Mr. William Ri- chard Owen, representative in the north of Wales of the British Broadcasting Corpora- tion (BBC), as well as descen- dents of the colonistgs that 100 years ago arrived at the beaches of the south of our country.. The group was received at the airport by the president of the Welsh Society of Buenos Aires and of the zonal commission of festivities, Mr. Daniel Lewis and by members of the British Council and of the English embassy in Argentine. This diplomatic representation will entertain today the delegation that, tomorrow, will go to the location of Trelew, in a special flight of Aerolineas Argentines and later on will travel to the cities of Chubut and San Carlos de Bariloche, from where they will go back to Buenos Aires on the 7th of the next month.

[remain] in our … [until] the 5th of the current [month], to move to Mendoza after. Later on [it/he/she?] will leave to Santiago de Chile. Mr. Burns Hynd is a member of parliament for the district of Attercliffe, Sheffield and was minister of pensions and chancellor of the duchy of Lencaster in the first labor government of postwar. He has been awarded the Big Cross of Merit, with star, of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Big Golden Cross of Honour, with star, of Austria. He is, furthermore, knight of the Legion of Honour of France.

Activities of the visitor

Mr. Borns Hynd will speak tomorrow, at 9.30, at the Nacional School of War about “Social security in Great Britain”;... will do in the Union of Light and Strength, calle Independen-cia 646, about the same subject, and at 20, in the Argentinian Catholic University, calle Rio Bamba 1227, will deliver a conference about “the British union movement”



24 Oct 1965
Rendira Homenajea los Colonos Galeses de
Chubut una Delegacion que Arribo Ayer

Los viajeros al llegar al aeropuerto de Ezeiza

Para assistir a los actos ce- lebratorios del centenario de la colonizacion galesa en el valle del Chubut, arribo ayer al aeorpurto internacional de Ezeiza un grupo de 73 miembros de la Welsh Argen- tine Society (Asociacion Ar- gentino Galesa), que tiene su asiento en Gales, Gran Bre-tana. La delegacion, que rendira homenajes a los fundadores de Rawson, Puerto Mandryn, Trelew, Gaiman, Dolovan, Es-quel, Trevelin y Colonia 16 de Octubre, esta presidida por el doctor Albann Davis, a quien acompanna, entre otros, el senhor William Ri-chard Owen, representante en el norte de Gales de la British Broadcasting Corpora-tion (BBC), asi como descen-dientes de los colonos que ha- ce 100 anos arribaron a las playas del sur de nuestro pais. El grupo gue recibido en el aeropuerto por el presidente de la Sociedad Galesa de Bue-nos Aires y de la comision zonal de festejos, senor Da- niel Lewis y por integrantes del Consejo Britanico y de la embajada ingles en la Ar-gentina. Esta representacion diplo-matica agasajara hoy a la de-legacion que, manana, se tras- ladara a uns localidad de Tre-lew, en un vuelo especial de Aerolineas Argentinas y pos- teriormente viajaran a las ciudades de Chubut y San Carlos de Bariloche, desde donde retornaran a Buenos Aires el dia 7 del mes pro-ximo.

necera en nuestro … [h]asta el 5 del corriente, para trasladarse despues a Mendoza. Posteriormente partira para Santiago de Chile. El senor Burnd Hynd es diputado por el distrito de Attercliffe, Sheffield y fue ministro de pensiones y cancillier del ducado de Lancaster en el primer gobierno laborista de posguerra, Se la han otorgado la Gran Cruz del Merito, conestrella, de la Republica Federal Alemana y la Gran Cruz Dorada de Honor, conestrella, de Austria.Es, ademas, cabellero de la Legion de Honor de Francia.

Activitdades del visitante

El senor Borns Hynd habla ra manana, a las 9,30, en la Escula Nacional de Guerra sobre “Seguridad social en Gran Bretana”; a la...30 lohara en el Sindicado de Luz y Fuerza, calle Independencia 646, sobre el mismo tema, y a las 20, en la Universidad Catolica Argentina, calle Rio Bamba 1227, pronunciara una conferencia sobre “El movimento sindical britanico”


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