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Letter to Robert Davies of VCS from W. P. Davey, Chief Executive of the South Glamorgan County Council, thanking VCS staff and volunteers for their help in a recent flood emergency. The Chief Executive states he saw first hand the efforts of the helpers involved and 'it is most encouraging to know that people like yourself and Intervol colleagues can be relied on so readily'.

VCS Cymru is the operating name of Voluntary Community Service (Cymru) Limited – a registered charity, established in 1964. Its vision is that the people of Cardiff & the Vale of Glamorgan make a sustained and valued contribution to society through volunteering, including those excluded for lack of support or who experience barriers. Its mission is to enable people who are most disadvantaged to engage with rewarding volunteering opportunities, facilitating their personal development and employment prospects.

VCS Cymru, VCS.2016.8

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