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This was the first locomotive built by Neath Abbey ironworks, and was built to a 4 feet 2 inches gauge. It was a 0-4-0 locomotive with vertical 10.5 in x 2 foot cylinders. The pistons worked through bell cranks through stirrup crossheads. An interesting feature was the heating of the feed water by passing it through a jacket around the exhaust pipe. A second bell crank locomotive was supplied to Prothero in the same year. Several other bell crank locomotives were built for different gauges. This design shows little similarity to any other builder at this time, although Sharp, Roberts & Co. of Manchester started to build locomotives in 1833 with vertical cylinders and bell crank drive.

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Comments (1)

John Stutz's profile picture
Most unusually, this drawing shows the rails that the locomotive was intended to operate over. These appear to rolled wrought iron angles, about 3" x 4" x 1/2", with 4" side flat and 3" flange inside of the wheels. The narrow tires have a half-oval section that minimizes the tendency of square tires to catch at and mount the flange at rail joints.

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