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Dowlais Iron Company: Plan, elevation and end view of locomotive engine, 31 Aug. 1831

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John Stutz's profile picture
An eight coupled locomotive design by Neath Abby of 1831, for the Dowlais Iron Company. Actually an 0-4-0+0-4-0 articulated, with angled cylinders driving a central cross shaft geared to the inner axles, side rod drive on the bogies, and plane wheels for inside flange rolled wrought iron angle rails. Presumably intended for curves too tight for a conventional 0-6-0. No dimensions given, but a scale is provided, which gives a gauge of 4'6" outside of the rail's flanges. For an essentially identical design, see "Rhymney Iron Company: 10 1/2" locomotive engine, ...". Dowlias seems to have preferred very short wheelbase 0-6-0s, as in "Dowlais Iron Company: 8½” locomotive. Elevation and end view of 8½” engine, Feb. 1840".

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