Welsh Women's Peace Petition's profile picture

Welsh Women's Peace Petition

Date joined: 02/05/24


In 1923-24, 390,296 women from Wales signed a petition to the women of America calling for world peace. Over 2024, communities Wales-wide are celebrating their efforts and legacy through the Academi Heddwch partnership, and National Lottery Heritage Funded project ‘Hawlio Heddwch’. Can you play a part in rediscovering a generation of Welsh women’s stories? Join us in transcribing the 1923 petition, uncovering the hidden histories of the women who signed it, and bringing to a new generation the vision of Welsh women whose legacy aspired to be “the proud heritage of a warless world.”

The Peace Petition Partnership is led by Academi Heddwch, hosted by WCIA (Welch Centre for International Affairs) and delivered alongside the National Library of Wales, Heddwch Nain Mamgu, Women’s Archive Wales and the National Museums of Wales.

Women’s Peace Petition Centenary homepage: www.PeacePetition.Wales | www.DeisebHeddwch.Cymru

Transcribing the Women’s Petition: https://torf2.llyfrgell.cymru/s/peace-petition

Meet / Contact the Project Team: https://www.wcia.org.uk/academiheddwch/womenspetition-team/

Centenary project groups and Welsh media are welcome to use images from these collections, please credit 'WCIA - Temple of Peace Archives' (unless otherwise stated). For media, volunteering and other enquiries please contact [email protected].

Website: https://www.wcia.org.uk/academiheddwch/peacepetition/ (Opens in a new window)

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