1931-32 World Disarmament Conference Peace Memorial & Campaign

Ahead of the opening of the World Disarmament Conference (WDC) in Geneva from February 1932 - or the 'Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments' as it was formally known - Welsh churches organised a memorial campaign signed by over 1,000 congregations across Wales through the Welsh League of Nations Union (WLNU, predecessor to today's WCIA, the Welsh Centre for International Affairs).

The memorial itself, and the Wales-wide campaign gathering support of communities throughout Wales, have clear similarities to the 1923-24 Welsh Women's Peace Appeal to America, and through WLNU local branches - many of which were in chapels and churches - it is likely to have been organised by many of the same people.

The WDC itself was hobbled by the rise of autocratic powers, in particular the 1933 withdrawal of Germany from both the WDC and the League, and it closed without reaching agreement in Nov 1934. Further info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conference_for_the_Reduction_and_Limitation_of_Armaments

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